Things I enjoy …

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About Me

I always wanted to do something with art.
My interest in that coupled with my experiences landed me in an elementary school teaching 4th grade. I was the Reading and Writing teacher and loved it! I never saw myself out of the classroom. I earned a masters degree in Reading Education, and my favorite time of the day was when it was time to Read Aloud.
Another opportunity for learning arose, so I took a few classes and then started teaching Gifted Education and working with struggling readers.
That is when I really became interested in using Problem-Based Learning in classroom and allowing students to express ideas in a variety of ways.
That is when blogging and instructional technology entered the picture. I started a blog to keep track of all of the useful sites and ideas I discovered. I also used blogs with my students for them to answer questions, reflect on ideas, and tell me about what they were learning. I started helping other teachers find resources and use technology for instruction in their classrooms. I was really enjoying what I was doing.

Then I saw another opportunity, so I jumped with both feet into Instructional Technology by first working at one elementary school helping teachers and then moving to working with teachers all over the district while going to graduate school again.
I enjoy what I am doing now, but I have just finished school again, so who knows what other opportunities I will find … (there seems to be a pattern).
Maybe my opportunity this time will be to take advantage of the things I have learned and the experiences I have had to help others in any way I can. My daughter is in 1st grade, and I just celebrated my 11 year anniversary with my husband, so maybe now it is time for us all to learn together …
It is clear that I enjoy learning … but I also enjoy creativity, imagination, finding things, taking pictures, jewelry, pocketbooks, and shoes!
So I mentioned that I always wanted to do something with art … I did drawings for awhile, a little bit of painting, next I got into scrapbooking and “playing with paper” …. I now take what I have learned from all those things and attempt to apply it to the design, organization, and look of my blog …
I also think the journey is at times better than the destination …