
Things I enjoy …

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I am participating in Krissy Venosdale’s 365 Day Photo Project focused on seeing the good in education!

See The Good: A 365 Photo Project

I’m on a mission.

I want to see the good.  

I truly believe that when we keep our eyes focused on the good, our lives become good.  

So, if we focus on the good in our schools, our teaching will become even better.  

No, it doesn’t make everything perfect, or even easy, but it makes us appreciate the little things that matter.  

So, as a new year is about to begin, I’m thinking of starting a Project 365.  You know, a photo a day for the entire year.  It’s not about fancy cameras, or setting up big photography equipment.  

It’s about taking a moment each and every day to focus on the good.  It’s also about sharing it with each other.

You know, passing it around like a ginormous bowl of goodness that we can all share.  Will you please join in?  All you have to do is take a photo a day in 2013.

Please check out her site, Venspired,  to learn more, find ideas for tools to use, and even some suggestions for pictures! You can even find a list of those who have chosen to participate and links to where they are sharing pictures!

Here is where I am sharing my images for this project:

(I am trying out something I have not used before)

(click on logo to see calendar with images)

And here is my most recent image: